Ballarat Farmers Market

June, July, August venue: WINDMILL DRIVE, Lake Wendouree

All other months: Zoo Drive, NORTH GARDENS RESERVE (just off Wendouree Parade, Lake Wendouree)

The markets operate on the Second and Fourth Saturdays of each month and feature the same management & core stallholders. (In the Winter months, we shift to Windmill Drive, about 400m south of our regular location.  Windmill Drive is fully paved and a much more suitable venue for the wet,  cold months!)

We operate all year round – including in the winter – so you have regular access to our wonderful stallholders.  Some stallholders only come once a month, and others have highly seasonal produce, so the range of stalls varies at each market.

We hope you have a great experience visiting our market!  Thanks for supporting our hardworking and creative stallholders who bring such a wide range of fabulous produce & products to the market.

Stalls include: both organic & non-organic fruit & vegetables, bread & cakes, meat, cheese, eggs, cider, wine, non-alcoholic drinks, dry goods (spices, grains & pulses), vegetarian baked goods, jam, mushrooms, honey, healthy snack bars, balsamic vinegar, hot chilli sauce, salami, roasted nuts, hot take-away food (sausage sizzle, pasties,  meat/pork/breakfast rolls, dumplings, vegetarian sausage rolls, gozleme,  and much more!).  Some of the other options from our stallholders include jewellery, ear rings, local art, wooden chopping boards, vegetarian dog treats, cards, clothing, hemp products, vegetable and flower seedlings, bulbs, native plants, fresh ground locally blended coffee, tea blends, eco homewares, bamboo products, eucalyptus products, country crafts, garden ornaments … and lots more!

Yes, we always have a coffee van on site!

Bean me up Espresso

Remember, the stallholder range varies with the seasons as one of our priorities is to create outlets for local and seasonal producers.  Some of our producers come just once or twice a year, so you never know what you’ll find!

We also have a FREE stall for local community groups, so please contact us if you’d like to promote your school, charity or service club.  Email to apply.

happy shopper

Brown Hill Market relocation

Brown Hill Market has ceased operations in Brown Hill and relocated permanently to Zoo Drive (near Lake Wendouree) after being unable to secure a new venue in the Brown Hill area. 
Market management had to leave the Brown Hill Hall because the hall and adjacent area weren’t large enough for COVID-safe operations during 2020-21.  Other options were explored but nothing suitable could be confirmed.  As the market has now grown in size, there are no suitable venues, even with COVID restrictions lifted.
The COVID 19 pandemic caused all markets in Ballarat to close from March until July 2020.  Those markets that re-opened had to have a COVID management plan and there have been significant changes to all market operations.  The Ballarat Farmers Market moved from the Moneghetti Track around Lake Wendouree to Zoo Drive in the North Gardens Reserve because the new location offered a very large open space.  The site has power, proximity to public toilets, abundant green space, parking in both Wendouree Pde and Gillies Rd and the potential for continued increase in stall numbers.
Markets now operate at Zoo Drive on both the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.
We are sorry to leave Brown Hill but had to work with the realities of our situation, which is that the market now has to operate on a large outdoor site.
Brown Hill Market commenced in July 2018 and was an instant success.  Stallholders are extremely grateful to the people of Brown Hill who came out to support them.  The Brown Hill Market was soon bigger than the Wendouree Ballarat Farmers Market in both stall and visitor numbers.  Many Brown Hill residents were able to walk to the market – indeed, some stallholders did as well!  THANK YOU Brown Hill for supporting the market.  We hope you’ll come check out the new site in Zoo Drive and continue to support the stallholders you’ve loved at Brown Hill.

Background:   In July 2018, the Fourth Saturday market which had been at Lake Wendouree for many years relocated to Brown Hill. Nearly all our existing stallholders came over to Brown Hill, so it was instantly a very established market with over 30 stalls.  There was then huge interest from new stallholders who joined the Brown Hill Market.  Many were locals from Brown Hill.  We’ve had great support from the Brown Hill Progress Association and the Brown Hill Community Newsletter.

The Brown Hill community really got behind the market – thank you!  The market regularly had over 50 stalls.   We invite you to continue to support those stall holders at the new location on Zoo Drive.

Gorgeous George stall in Brown Hill Market park

Become a Stallholder

Operating every 2nd and 4th Saturday at Zoo Drive Wendouree. (The market on the 4th Saturday in December may not operate if it conflicts with Christmas dates).

We also hold a special twilight market (4-8pm) on a Friday night before Christmas

Ballarat Farmers Market aims to provide customers with a wide range of quality items, preferably unique to Ballarat. The market is primarily for farmers and producers of quality fresh regional produce and local products. We also welcome art & craft, plants, gifts, home wares, beauty, health and other products; again with an emphasis on local producers where possible. We do not provide an outlet for party plan, pyramid or MLM products. The terms of our Council permit do not allow secondhand goods stalls or livestock selling. Any plant-related products (plants, seeds, tubers, etc) require specific approval from the Ballarat Botanical Gardens before they can be considered.

We always prefer farmers who are direct-selling, but will accept some reselling, in order to maintain regular supply for market customers, or where the resold goods complement existing stock made by the stallholder.

Stallholders are welcome to come to all markets, or just once a month. Many stallholders attend on a seasonal basis, based on either the seasonal growth & harvest cycle of their produce, or the fact that their product is weather sensitive (e.g. ice cream sales!).

If you’d like to have a stall at either or both of the markets, please first read the Market Charter and then fill out the application below.

Important points to remember if your application is successful:

  • All marquees must be weighed down (we recommend 20kg per leg) but NO PEGS please! (There are underground water & power lines in the reserve)
  • TAKE your RUBBISH home – don’t use public bins for stallholder rubbish… they are for customers only and the market will be fined if stallholders use public bins. Yes, they check!
  • Steve or a helper will be on site from 7 am on market days. Please text us if you are running late, so we know to keep your spot. Please arrive with plenty of time to set up so you are ready to trade at 9 am.
  • STAY until 1 pm. Some customers come late. We advertise that we are operating from 9 – 1 so please let’s honour that.


Stallholders participate in the Ballarat Farmers Market at their own risk and are required to indemnify and hold harmless the Market Manager, Market contractors, Burns, Counter & Associates Pty Ltd, and the City of Ballarat against any claim for damages, costs, claims, expenses and liabilities (including without limitations consequential loss and loss of profit) in respect of any loss, damage, injury, disease or death caused through any of the stallholders’ activities at the Ballarat Farmers Market. Current Public Liability insurance is required for all stall holders. Copies must be provided prior to initial market attendance.

Completing this application indicates that you will abide by State COVID restrictions. Note that restrictions are subject to change and that it is your responsibility to stay up-to-date.

Appplication form:

If you have any questions or issues, please contact us at Please do NOT send FB messages or texts: use the email as that allows all our staff to see your message. We find FB Messenger both unprofessional and unreliable.

Once you download the above form and complete it, please either scan and email it back OR post a hard copy. Please don’t email photos taken with your phone as the print quality from these is very poor.

You will be contacted soon after applying – either by email or phone – to let you know whether you’ve been successful or so we can get more information.

If we don’t have a spot for you now, we may keep your information on file for the Christmas twilight Market (a Friday night a week or so before Christmas Day) or so we can contact you in the event that an existing stallholder leaves. There is no formal waiting list and you are welcome to email us again in 6 or 12 months if still interested.