On FRIDAY Dec 19, 2025, we will be holding our annual Twilight Christmas Market.
The market will run from 4pm – 8 pm at Zoo Drive (our usual location) so mark it in your diary and bring a friend for a fun evening!
In 2024, we had 240 stalls and it was a balmy Summer evening, thoroughly enjoyed by all. We expect this year to be as big, so encourage stallholders to book in NOW. The focus will be on items suitable for Christmas gifts, including homewares and personal pampering items, but there’ll also be plenty of food plus wine, cider and gin to support the celebrations! Stallholders from both our regular markets will be attending, plus extra stalls who only come to the Christmas market. [Interested stallholders, please email ballaratmarkets@gmail.com for more information or go to Become a Stallholder here on the website and grab the application form].
There will be a coffee van plus hot food stalls. Come early and order as soon as you arrive to be sure of getting what you want – many of the food vans sold out early last year.
Lots of stallholders will have special Christmas deals and bundles, so come check them out!